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My Services: Service

Training Programs

Personalized. Comprehensive. Effective.

All programs include an initial phone call or video chat to discuss program and goals, monitoring of training log, weekly two-way call/text/email contact to discuss progress, questions, or concerns, and are adjusted as needed based on athlete performance and needs. All training programs include the option for additional in person services.

Interested? Contact Coach Chris!

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1-3 Month Program
 $150 per month

Perfect for new runners training for a distance below the half marathon, and for more experienced runners training for any distance up to the full marathon looking to crush a specific race. Fill out contact form below if interested!

4-12 Month Program
$125 per month

Train under Coach Chris' guidance for a full season or year year round, working toward multiple races across various distances. Also ideal for newer runners training for a half or full marathon. Fill out contact form below if interested!

In Person Services

Gait Analysis and Assessment
$110 OR $85*

One 60 minute session with Chris at Boston Physical Therapy  & Wellness. Includes gait analysis on treadmill, running specific strength training exercise recommendations, and education on general training principles.

(*if added on to training program)

Strength Training Classes (Pack of 3 or 6)

Nutrition Assessment


Three or six 1 hour sessions with Chris at Boston Physical Therapy  & Wellness. Receive one-on-one running specific strength training to help maximize your performance!

In person or remote, one on one meeting with Dr. Danielle Allan, physical therapist and Precision Nutrition Certified Coach. Optimize your diet to improve your performance!

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